Empowering Your Teen for Effective Revision

woman sitting in front of macbook

Why revision might be an issue

Navigating the hurdles of revision is a common struggle for parents of teenagers. Understanding the root causes of their reluctance to revise is crucial. Let’s explore some key reasons and effective strategies to address them.

  1. Developing Revision Skills: Teens often lack the knowledge of how to revise effectively. Schools often don’t spend a lot of time teaching students how to revise properly, leaving students to fend for themselves. To support them:
    • Offer to help find resources like detailed revision guides or books.
    • Encourage enrolment in interactive study skills workshops.
    • Collaborate to create a customised revision plan that suits their learning style and busy schedule.
  2. Overcoming the Intimidation of Volume: The amount of study material can be daunting. When a student slips behind in their work, it doesn’t take long for the volume of work to snowball. Staying on top of workload is critical to success. To help your teen:
    • Break down the revision into smaller, more manageable parts.
    • Employ a color-coded system to categorise topics based on difficulty.
    • Prioritise weak areas and create a focused study plan.
  3. Changing Pessimistic Views: Some teens doubt the effectiveness of revising. Often teenagers will develop limiting beliefs such as “revision is pointless” or “I don’t know how to revise” – these beliefs are then used to justify a whole raft of procrastination strategies! To change this perspective:
    • Help identify their most efficient study methods through trial and error.
    • Introduce innovative study techniques, such as focused study sessions.
    • Regularly review and adjust their study strategies to keep them motivated.
  4. Minimizing Distractions: Digital distractions can significantly disrupt study routines. While your instinct may be to remove a device, this can often be counter productive, leading to conflict and resentment. To manage this:
    • Establish a structured and consistent study schedule (for bonus points, use their phones to set reminders to revise at set times!).
    • Implement a system where distractions become rewards post-study.
    • Encourage short, focused study sessions followed by breaks – check out my post on the Pomodoro Technique for more details.
  5. Balancing Busy Schedules: Excessive extracurricular activities may limit study time, yet they are essential to maintain a healthy balance of work and play. To balance this:
    • Create a weekly schedule that dedicates sufficient time for studies.
    • Help them prioritize activities, ensuring a mix of academic and personal interests.
    • Regularly assess and adjust the schedule to maintain a healthy balance.
  6. Building Future-Oriented Motivation: Lack of clear goals can lead to disinterest in exams. Cretaing a focus on a long term goal can 10x productivity and motivation. To inspire them:

Conclusion: Supporting your teen through their revision challenges requires a blend of empathetic understanding, strategic planning, and consistent encouragement. Consider external resources like specialised workshops for additional guidance. Your role in guiding and supporting them through this phase is pivotal for their academic and personal growth. Book a call with me now to create a roadmap to success for your son or daughter.