What is Academic Performance Coaching and is it better than hiring a tutor?

Academic Performance Coaching

Are you familiar with what an academic performance coach is and how one could transform your child’s educational journey? Despite a quarter students turning to private tutors, many overlook the holistic and specialised approach of an academic performance coach. If this is the first time you’ve heard about academic performance coaching, you’re not alone!

In this article, I will explore:

  • What is an academic performance coach?
  • How can they enhance a student’s academic performance?
  • What qualities define a great academic performance coach?
  • How can you find the right academic performance coach for your child?
  • What outcomes can you anticipate from working with an academic performance coach?

What is Academic Performance Coaching?

Just as sports coaches help athletes excel, academic performance coaches guide students to reach their fullest potential.

An academic performance coach, like me, empowers students for exam success by not only focusing on study skills but also nurturing a positive mindset, motivating them, helping instill a core set of skills, and helping them overcome any barriers.

Academic performance coaching can help a student in a way that a teacher can’t. A teacher can only ever see that student from their subject perspective, whereas an academic performance coach can see the student as a whole and work with them to identify any barriers that are affecting their performance across all subjects.

How Can Academic Performance Coaching Enhance a Student’s Performance?

Our “Surviving to Thriving” program follows a structured approach:

  • Initial Family Conversation: We explore the challenges faced by the student and family to understand how we can help. This step ensures alignment from the outset.
  • First Coaching Call: We delve into the student’s struggles, establish quick wins, and initiate motivation strategies.
  • Access to the Five Keys to Success Learning Platform: This platform containt 5 modules that help students embed the habits of the most successful students, looking at organisation, time management, independence, mindset and health habits. This is self-paced as contains assignments that are given feedback and checked by me.
  • Further Calls: We offer ongoing support, fine-tuning strategies, anticipating future challenges, and possibly assisting with specific academic tasks like coursework.

The entire process is conducted online, allowing flexibility and convenience.

What Qualities Define a Great Academic Performance Coach?

A capable coach will have:

  • Deep Insight into Academic Success: Leveraging their own experiences and professional background.
  • A Broad Spectrum of Strategies: To tackle common student challenges like procrastination, poor organization, and low confidence.
  • Empathy and Rapport Building Skills: To connect with reluctant or anxious teenagers and intuitively guide them forward.

I exemplify all these qualities, with extensive and wide ranging experience working with young people sitting exams.

How Can You Find the Right Academic Performance Coach for Your Child?

You’ve found one! I am here to help and am keen to offer my assistance! If you want to find out more about the packages I offer, email me [email protected].

What Outcomes Can You Anticipate?

With our coaching program, you can expect:

  • Reduced Stress: Both for students and parents. No more having to nag them to revise!
  • Enhanced Planning and Organizational Skills: Emphasising time management and overcoming distractions.
  • Boosted self-esteem: Boosting belief in one’s abilities.
  • Improved Academic Performance: Going beyond expectations.

Many families prioritize the process over results, seeking assistance in managing stress levels, improving