What Academic Performance Coach Certification Programs are there available?

person holding white scroll

Academic Performance Coach Certification Programs

Here at Academic Performance Coaching, we aren’t interested in creating new certifications programs or additional qualifications for young people. We just want to focus on helping young people fulfil their potential. If you are interested in findout out more about our academic coaching programmes, then please email me: [email protected].

If you are interested in becoming an Academic Performance Coach, you could look at certifications programs, or you could use experience from your life/career to become a coach. I have harnessed my 15 years of experience as a teacher and head of sixth form to formulate my unique coaching programme for young people.

person holding diploma, but Academic Performance Coach Certification Programs are not needed
Photo by Gül Işık on Pexels.com

Academic Performance Coach Certification Programs are almost always overly expensive and offer little in terms of value. If you have experience working with young people, you are probably already overly qualified.