Overcoming Procrastination – A Guide for Teenagers and Parents

brown wooden blocks on white table


Procrastination, the arch-nemesis of productivity, especially plagues the teenage years, where distractions are numerous and self-discipline is still a developing trait. As a former teacher and current academic performance coach, I’ve seen firsthand how procrastination can hinder a young person’s academic journey. In this blog post, I will share insights and strategies to help your teenager move from surviving to thriving in their academic pursuits.

in procrastination. As the deadline for their target of procrastination grows closer, they are more stressed and may, thus, decide to procrastinate more

Understanding Procrastination

Procrastination is often misunderstood as laziness, but it’s more complex. It’s the act of delaying or postponing tasks despite knowing the negative outcomes. For teenagers, this can range from delaying study sessions to waiting until the last minute to start a project.

Psychological Roots: Several factors contribute to procrastination. Fear of failure leads some students to avoid tasks they find challenging. For others, a lack of motivation or the lure of immediate rewards like social media or video games is stronger than the distant benefits of studying.

Procrastination vs. Avoidance: It’s crucial to differentiate between procrastination and avoidance. Procrastination is choosing a more enjoyable activity over work, while avoidance might stem from deeper issues like anxiety or a lack of understanding of the material. Recognizing this difference is key in addressing the root cause.

brown wooden blocks on white table spelling 'why not now' a good question to approach procrastination with!
Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels.com

The Story of Alex: A Case Study

Alex’s story is a powerful testament to overcoming procrastination. When she joined my ‘Surviving to Thriving’ coaching program, she was struggling with her Year 12 studies, often distracted by TikTok, chores, and social activities.

Building a Routine: Together, we created a structured study schedule. We divided her study time into manageable 30-minute blocks, focusing on different subjects to maintain variety. This approach eliminated the overwhelming feeling of endless study hours and made her tasks seem more approachable.

Remarkable Improvement: The results were striking. From scoring a D and two Es in her summer mocks, Alex improved to two Bs and a C in her autumn mocks. She attributed this success to the discipline the study schedule instilled in her, which helped her focus and use her time effectively.

Creating Effective Study Schedules

An effective study schedule is a cornerstone of academic success. Here are some tips to create one:

  1. 30-Minute Blocks: Divide each study day into 30-minute segments. This technique, backed by research on attention spans, helps maintain focus and efficiency.
  2. Subject Rotation: Avoid spending more than an hour on one subject at a time. Switching subjects helps keep the mind fresh and prevents burnout.
  3. Gradual Increase: Start with 30 minutes of study four or five times a week and gradually increase it. Aim for around 2 hours per weekday and 3-4 hours on weekends. Excessive studying can be counterproductive.
  4. Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate adherence to the schedule. Positive reinforcement encourages consistent effort and helps build a habit.

Tips for Parents and Coaches

Parents and coaches play a crucial role in guiding teenagers through the maze of procrastination. Here’s how you can help:

  • Encourage and Praise: Regular encouragement and praise for sticking to the schedule can boost confidence and motivation.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Help them set achievable goals and gradually raise the bar as they get comfortable with their routine.
  • Be a Role Model: Demonstrate good time management and organizational skills yourself. Your behavior sets an example for them.

Incorporating Healthy Habits

Integrating healthy habits is crucial for overall wellbeing and academic performance.

  • Breaks and Balance: Encourage regular breaks and a balanced lifestyle. Techniques like the Pomodoro technique, where work is interspersed with short breaks, can enhance focus and reduce fatigue.

Physical Activity: Encourage physical activities such as sports or a quick walk. Exercise boosts brain function and helps maintain energy levels.

  • Nutrition and Sleep: Stress the importance of a healthy diet and adequate sleep. These factors are often overlooked but play a significant role in cognitive function and concentration.


Procrastination is a common challenge but not an insurmountable one. By understanding its roots, creating effective study schedules, and incorporating healthy habits, teenagers can significantly improve their academic performance.

Parents and coaches, your role in this journey is pivotal. Your support, guidance, and encouragement can make a substantial difference. If you need more structured help, consider enrolling your teenager in a program like ‘Surviving to Thriving’, which focuses on developing organization, independence, time management, mindset, and healthy habits.

Remember, the journey from procrastination to productivity is gradual but achievable. With the right approach, every teenager has the potential to excel not just academically but in all aspects of life.

If you want some support with getting your son or daughter back on track, click here to book a free consultation call with me where we can put together a bespoke action plan.