Effective Revision Techniques – 3 easy strategies

gray study dice on table

As parents, we all want our children to succeed academically. But the road to academic success can be rocky, especially in the midst of cramming for exams and re-reading notes.

Taking three powerful revision techniques to the core that can transform how your teenager studies, boosting their understanding, retention, and ultimately, their academic performance:

  1. Spaced Repetition: The Power of Intervals

Imagine trying to remember a new phone number after seeing it once. Chances are, it will slip your mind quickly. Now, imagine reviewing it several times over increasing intervals. This is the essence of spaced repetition.

The principle behind spaced repetition is that by reviewing important information at spaced intervals, we move them from our short-term memory to our long-term memory, making it easy to recall them when needed.

Here are the steps you can take to help spaced repetition:

  • Flashcards or an app: Use flashcards or an app which allows scheduling the review at different intervals.
  • For new information, start with a daily review and then increasing the interval between the review as your child becomes more comfortable with the material.
  • Calendar for revision: Schedule time for revision in your child’s timetable, and then it will enable them to go over essentials at short intervals.
  1. Teaching as Learning: The Power of Explanation

One of the most effective ways for solidifying understanding is by teaching it to someone else. Explaining one’s thoughts gives your child an opportunity to explain their own thinking, identify areas where they may have gaps in their knowledge.

Here are the ways that will encourage peer teaching:

  • Study groups: Encourage your child and their classmates to set up study groups, alternating taking turns explaining the important information each one has studied.
  • Family study time: Define a particular time for family study where your child can explain their learning to you or any other members of the family. It results in an encouraging learning environment, and the gains are very good.
  1. Creative Note-Taking: Turn Text to Engagement

Usually, active learning leads to better retention compared to passive learning. Encourage your child to transform their notes into more engaging formats.

There are several creative note-taking methods to transform learning into experience:

  • Flashcards: As discussed before, flashcards are great for spaced repetition.
  • Mind maps: Use mind maps to provide a visual version of key ideas, connections between key concepts, and different supporting details.
  • Concept posters: Encourage your child to make visually interesting posters from important aspects by inserting different elements like diagrams, colors, and quotes.
  • Songs or rhymes: For subjects like history or biology, creating short songs or rhymes can be an effective way to learn important information or certain dates.

Beyond the Techniques: Pro Tips for Effective Revision Sessions

While the techniques mentioned above hold immense power, keep in mind that effective revision involves much more than just “what.” Here are some tips for making the most of these strategies:

  • Practice makes perfect: Create a private study space that is free of distractions like phones and televisions. Set achievable goals and slice long study sessions into smaller ones with specific goals for each session. Short breaks after every break will help not burn out but refresh energy and focus.
  • Adequate health: Proper nutrition, regular exercise, and getting good sleep are very important for sound cognitive performance and focus during revision sessions.

Need help: Don’t hesitate to reach out to teachers or tutors for specific areas where they might need help.

Remember: Effective revision is not about how much your child studies but how they study. By utilizing these proven techniques and fostering a positive learning environment, you will put your child on the right track to academic success and achieving their full potential.
